Event Feedback Survey Event Feedback Survey Thank you for taking a few minutes to tell us about your experience at a Lakewood event. We value your feedback. Which event did you attend? Tea Ceremony and Grief Circle – December 21, 2024Music in the Chapel: The OK Factor – December 1, 2024Ancestral Connections with Nyttu Chongo – November 14, 2024Ancestral Connections with Nyttu Chongo – November 12, 2024Resonant Reflection: A Sound Meditation – November 10, 2024Music in the Chapel: Twin Cities Hardingfelelag – November 10, 2024Ancestral Connections with Nyttu Chongo – November 7, 2024Other – type title or brief description Which event did you attend? How would you rate your experience? Excellent Good Fair Poor Why did you choose that rating? Do you have suggestions for how we can improve Lakewood’s events? How did you hear about this event? (Select all that apply.) Facebook Instagram Lakewood email Poster or flyer While attending another Lakewood event Friend / word of mouth Newspaper Television Another way – please specifyAnother way – please specify Have you been to Lakewood before? Yes No Unsure Do you have loved ones buried at Lakewood? Yes No Unsure Have you attended other Lakewood events? Yes No Unsure Please share any final thoughts or feedback here. Thank you for your time and input! If you want to learn more about memorialization options at Lakewood, please make an appointment with a Family Services Advisor. Learn more by stopping by our Welcome Center in person or contacting us online. Contact Lakewood Family Services Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.