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A meaningful moment of closure.

A graveside service is an opportunity to gather with family and friends to say goodbye to a loved one prior to burial. It sometimes includes witnessing the lowering of the casket into the earth. A committal service is similar, except that it occurs at the time of placement into a crypt or a cremation niche.

Often, an officiant or family member will make a short statement and perhaps a eulogy will be offered. There will be moments of reverent silence and some families invite loved ones to shovel dirt into the grave, providing a meaningful moment of closure.

Graveside and committal services are typically scheduled with Lakewood at the time a death has occurred. If you have questions or want to know more about graveside services, we are here to help.

Ready to start the conversation? Give us a call.
(612) 822-2171

Memorial Experiences

Whether you choose cremation or a traditional burial, Lakewood offers many ways to customize your memorial experience.

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