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Susan’s story

My sister died at the age of 21, three months after her wedding. It was sudden carbon monoxide on Veteran’s day. Very appropriate as my father was a veteran in WW11. My parents died a year apart, my father on July 4 and my mother July 16. Their deaths were the heartache they had due to my sister’s passing. My parents suffered in WW11. My father survived the battle of Monte Casino and was wounded there. My mother and her parents were in work camps in Germany until liberation. They met in England and immigrated to Minneapolis with me. My sister was born in Minneapolis. The first time I went to Lakewood was for my sister’s funeral and was amazed by the serenity and beauty of Lakewood. I do not live in Minnesota but I try to go back as often as I can, only to Lakewood as I have no family in the USA. I have my resting place next to my parents and am grateful that it will be kept up after I am gone. It is truly a remarkable place.


Julia Gillis

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