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Terry’s story

I grew up (early 60’s until 1979 when I joined the USMC) across the street from Lakewood Cemetery on the corner of 37th and DuPont Ave. So. Later I bought my first house (on DuPont Ave. So.) that faced Lakewood Cemetery. My parents sold the house I was raised in, in 1997. I remember the funeral of Hubert Humphrey. I climbed that fence, along with neighborhood friends many times to wander around the cemetery and occasionally being chased out by Lakewood security. I remember seeing deer. I remember during the early summer of 1983 when a person wanted by the police or he was a prison escapee (don’t remember anymore) ran through the cemetery. I remember the Lilacs blooming along the fence line every spring. I learned to drive in the cemetery. It was a good place to grow up.


Julia Gillis

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